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Looking for Comic Book Buyers Near Me?
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Where can I find comic book buyers near me?

Unless you live in a very rural area, you can ALWAYS find a local buyer for comics and collectibles. The issue is, are you getting a fair deal?

You can break down your options into three:

Comic book buyers near me: How to get the most cash for your collectionComic book buyers near me: How to get the most cash for your collection
  1. Find a local buyer
  2. Sell the collection yourself piece by piece
  3. Use a long-distance dealer

If you live in a major city, then you probably have lots of options. You can shop your collection around multiple places before you make a decision about who to sell to.

However, if you live in a small town, then you may only have one or two options of people to talk to. Chances are, taking a cash offer from a small-town local dealer is leaving LOTS of money on the table.

Your other choices are to sell the collection yourself, piece by piece, or to find a long-distance buyer for your collection.

This article will help you to make an informed decision about your options.

1) Using Comic Book Buyers Near Me

This is the most convenient choice.

Everybody dreams of picking up the phone or sending an email, having a friendly local guy come to their house, usually driving a white panel van, and receiving a stack of banknotes in exchange for their comic books and collectibles.

Remember that "PINEAPPLE" is the safe word when dealing with local comic buyers"PINEAPPLE" is the safe word when dealing with local comic buyers

But convenience has a cost.

If you shop at a convenience store for groceries, then you pay a much higher price.

The reverse is also true. If you sell at the most convenient place, then you get a lower percentage of retail value for your comics and other collectibles.

Tricks Local Dealers Use

Here are some common practices you will find if you look locally for a comic book buyer near me.

"I'm not a dealer, I'm a collector" -- This is true. He collects money.

Comic book dealers who claim to be collectors justify this half-truth by saying that they sell their duplicates to upgrade their collections. He's just trying to make you feel better about selling for a low percentage of retail.

"The condition of your comics is just okay" -- This could be true.

But if you educate yourself on how to grade comic books, then you will know for yourself roughly what condition your collection is in. This whole topic is a minefield, so you need to be very sure about your grading skills to stand your ground on this issue.

"The market is down at the moment" -- Do your own research.

There are pricing tools online to help you determine what your key issues are worth. Don't waste your time and price every issue.

Most comics are not worth very much. But by pricing the keys yourself, conservatively and not dreaming too big, you can at least have a sense of what the collection is worth.

Doing the Math on Local Dealers

You should expect between 10 and 45 percent of retail from a local dealer. If that sounds painfully low, then you need to do more work to get other offers.

However, don't expect retail prices. Dealers need to make a living. The most you should expect from a big-time or long-distance dealer would be 65 or 70 percent of retail.

Only you can determine whether the extra work you need to do is worth your time.

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2) Using Your Own Time to Sell the Comics Yourself

If you have the time, the skills and the patience to break down your own collection piece by piece, then you can get a higher percentage of retail prices for the comics.

There are lots and lots of pitfalls to this approach! Here are just a few.

If you like sleeping, then don't sell your own comic books!If you like sleeping, then don't sell your own comic books!

It's a LOT More Work than You Expect

There is a reason there are comic book dealers (just as there are car dealers, real estate agents, and other middle men).

Let's say you have 1,000 comic books and decide to list them one by one on eBay.

  • 1,000 times you have to take photos, front and back
  • 1,000 times you need to determine the grade of a book
  • 1,000 times you need to create an eBay listing
  • 1,000 times potentially you have to answer questions from potential customers
  • 1,000 shipments need to be packed and sent
  • 1,000 potential returns and feedback problems

And on and on.

All this for 100 percent of retail? Nope! Because you pay eBay around 15 percent of the selling price and shipping price for the use of their platform. Many of the items will sit unsold. A lot of the time you won't get full retail bids.

What about some other platform? Facebook Marketplace? Craigslist?

These are good ways to offload cheaper lots. Buyers of cheap lots don't like paying high shipping costs. The downside is you won't get anything close to retail on these platforms.

3) Using a Major Long-Distance Comic Book Dealer

Comics and Collectibles Near ME is a major comic book buyer. For the right collection, we will travel to you; but most of the time, we can buy your collection remotely.

We've been doing this for years. It's a smooth process and we make it painless for you.

We also pay between 50 and 75 percent of retail depending on what's in your collection.

How Does it Work?

Make a list. You don't need to spend days on this process. We just need title and issue #s. To save time if you have a big collection, simply list the comics with cover prices between 10c and 35c.

Send us the list. We will request photos -- it won't be EVERY comic, just the most valuable.

We will send you a free appraisal or offer. If we DON'T want to buy them then you will at least have an idea of their worth.

If we DO want to buy them, then we will provide simple step-by-step instructions.

Is it Worth Doing This versus Using Comic Book Buyers Near Me?

There is some work involved in this option. To me, that's worth the time, as you will get a far higher price from us than from most local dealers.

If you have concerns, then reach out to us before you begin. I'll be happy to help.

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Comic Book Buyers Near Me: Comics and Collectibles Near ME