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DC Comic Books Price Guide

What are YOUR DC comic books worth today?

DC Comics characters have been around since the beginning of the Golden Age.

DC Comics is one of the big two publishers along with MarvelDC Comics is one of the big two publishers along with Marvel

The big-name heroes of DC have anchored popular culture for decades.

Action Comics #1 is the first "true" superhero comic book, the first appearance of Superman. Issued in 1938, it changed the world of comic books forever.

Batman appeared in 1939 for the first time in Detective Comics #27.

The huge success of these hard-boiled heroes soon led to more of the same. Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, the Atom, and dozens of villains joined the DC lineup.

Why these are not as well-represented in movies is a subject of some debate. Arguably, their heyday in the Golden Age coincided with the technology of movie making being too rudimentary to do them justice.

Even so, in the modern era, DC Studios has been left in Marvel's dust. A long-overdue reboot is in the works, which may right the balance.

All this interest in superheroes, along with the pandemic forcing people to stay home and pursue their interests, has resulted in comic book values exploding.

If you have DC comic books and want help to value them, then this page is a good place to start.

These easy-to-use articles will help you to identify the best issues by character or series.

Click any link to begin.

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Action Figures and Playsets Based on DC Comics Characters

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