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Dungeons and Dragons Sets Worth Money in 2025

Most Valuable Dungeons and Dragons Sets in 2025

Dungeons and Dragons box sets gave newcomers an all-in-one way to begin playing.

Some of the most challenging D&D collectibles to track down are the original box setsSome of the most challenging D&D collectibles to track down are the original box sets

They included dice, rulebooks for Dungeon Master and players, sometimes character sheets and starter adventures.

The first D&D sets were released in 1974. There are multiple states of the first release, the most valuable being "wood grain" box finishes.

We break down these by printing below to help you identify which version you have.

The earliest Dungeons and Dragons dice were boxed with some sets; the dice alone can be worth big money.

We'll show you the most valuable sets on the collectible market today.

This page deals with the original boxed set from 1974 and the Basic Set from 1977. We break out other valuable D&D sets here.

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Most Expensive Dungeons and Dragons Sets in 2025

Dungeons and Dragons original box set Alpha state

Lowest price $5,000+

Average price $14,000

Record price $22,800

How to identify the Alpha state:

Released in January 1974, the Alpha state of the first edition box set has a front cover sticker attached to the wood grain box. The wood grain runs horizontally. The contents were three manuals: Men & Magic, Monsters & Treasure, Underworld & Wilderness Adventures. The price was $10.00.

Men & Magic had the same cover image as the box front. Despite the box front having a price, each booklet was priced $3.50 individually. The inside covers of each booklet were white. There was no printing information. Inside back covers of booklets 2 and 3 show "Graphic Printing of Lake Geneva". Page 9 of Men & Magic make reference to Hobbits and Ents.

1,000 copies of this set were created. Surviving copies are rare and highly sought-after.

D&D original box set Beta state

Lowest price $5,000+

Average price $13,000

Record price $22,700

The Beta state of the original box set has an identical outer box. It contains an errata sheet and a different print of Volume 3, Underworld & Wilderness Adventures.

It has a cream inside cover. There is still no printing number information.

D&D original box set Gamma state

Lowest price $4,000+

Average price $10,000

Record price $18,000

The Gamma set's wood grain box has grains running vertically. The sticker is usually not attached, it's included with the contents, or possibly not present at all.

The first two booklets are the same as the Alpha print. There may not have been any third booklet.

D&D original box set 3rd printing

Lowest price $3,000+

Average price $7,000

Record price $12,500

Wood grains on the box for the 3rd printing can run horizontally or vertically. The front cover sticker nearly touches the top and bottom of the box, and has more white space below the printing.

Inside covers of booklets state "Third Printing -- April 1975". A new printer mark is "Heritage Models of Dallas, Texas". Check page 9 of Men & Magic for Hobbits and Ents. The box also contains an errata sheet.

D&D original box set 3rd+ print

Lowest price $3,000+

Average price $7,000

Record price $12,000

The box of 3rd+ is a similar state to the 3rd print. But the outside cover of Men & Magic shows a warrior standing with a sword and shield; the inner covers of all three booklets are white, and state "Fourth Printing -- November 1975"

References to Hobbits and Ents are still included. Printer mark is "Patch Press of Beloit, Wisconsin". A "TSR Hobbies" sticker covers "Tactical Studies Rules".

D&D original box set 4th print

Lowest price $2,000

Average price $4,000

Record price $9,000

The 4th print came in an all-new white box, showing a wizard and some orcs printed on the lid. The price is still $10.00.

The outer cover of Men & Magic shows a warrior with sword and shield. All three booklets still have $3.50 prices.

Inside covers of all three booklets are white, and state "Fourth Printing -- November 1975". Rear inner cover says "Patch Press of Beloit, Wisconsin". A "TSR Hobbies, Inc" sticker covers the printed "Tactical Studies Rules".

D&D original box set 5th print

Lowest price $1,000

Average price $2,500

Record price $7,500

An identical box to the 4th print means you have to have an open one to identify the 5th print.

The outer cover of Men & Magic shows a warrior with sword and shield. The booklets no longer have a price on their covers.

Inner covers of all three booklets are white, but do not state any printing number. References to Hobbits and Ents are still present.

D&D original box set 6th print

Lowest price $500

Average price $1,500

Record price $3,270

The 6th print is similar to 4th and 5th with an extra a starburst stating "Original Collector's Edition" and no price.

Inside covers of all three booklets are now the same parchment color (parchment) as the outside covers. No printing number.

References to Hobbits and Ents have been changed to Halflings and Treants. Men & Magic catalog has prices.

D&D original box set 7th print

Lowest price $500

Average price $1,000

Record price $2,500

The only difference between 6th and 7th print is that Men & Magic no longer has prices listed on the catalog in the back.

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Dungeons and Dragons Basic Set (1977 and Onwards)

D&D Basic Set True 1st Print

Lowest price $1,200

Average price $2,000

Record price $3,500

How to identify the true first printing:

The box is blue with a red dragon. The Lizard logo and "F115-R" are present. "*T.M. Reg. App. For" appears beneath the D&D logo. The yellow top left banner says "Basic Set". Box bottom is plain white.

There is a 48-page rulebook with Lizard logo and "F116-R" in upper right,  "*T.M. Reg. App. For" under the D&D logo; contains references to Hobbits (see bottom of page 11).

D&D Basic Set 1st Print

Lowest price $600

Average price $1,200

Record price $2,000

The product code in the upper right is "F115-R". "*T.M. Reg. App. For" under the D&D logo. Box bottom shows all contents, and has a Lizard logo.

The 48-page rulebook has a Lizard logo, with "F116-R" in upper right and "*T.M. Reg. App. For" under the D&D logo; contains references to Hobbits. There were also five pre-colored dice in a bag, but no D10 or dice crayon was included.

D&D Basic Set 2nd Print

Lowest price $100

Average price $400

Record price $900

Code on the upper right is "1001". "*T.M. Reg. App. For" appears under the D&D logo. Bottom shows all contents, and has a Lizard logo.

A 48-page rulebook has the Lizard logo, with "2001" in upper right and "*T.M. Reg. App. For" under the D&D logo. "Second Print, Jan 1978" is inside. There were five pre-colored dice in a bag, but no D10 or dice crayon was included.

D&D Basic Set 3rd print

Lowest price $

Average price $

Record price $

Code in the upper right is "1001". A red "R" appears next to the "Dungeons & Dragons" title. The 48-page rulebook with the Lizard logo has "2001" in upper right; "*T.M. Reg. App. For" under logo has been removed. Inside says "Third Print, May 1978". There were five pre-colored dice in a bag, still no D10 or dice crayon.

D&D Basic Set 4th print

Lowest price $100

Average price $500

Record price $2,750

Box front's yellow banner in upper left says "Basic Set With Introductory Module".
The bottom shows the rulebook, module B1, five dice, and the Wizard logo. 

The 48-page rulebook has the Wizard logo, with "2001" in upper right. Inside says "Second Edition, Nov 1978". Contents include Dungeons and Dragons module B1 In Search of the Unknown with a price of $4.49 on the back.

D&D Basic Set 4th plus print

Lowest price $100

Average price $450

Record price $2,500

The only difference between 4th print and this 4th plus is the price on the back of the module B1 is now $5.49.

D&D Basic Set 5th print

Lowest price $100

Average price $350

Record price $1,800

The box bottom shows the rulebook and module B1, no dice, and has the Wizard logo. The 48-page rulebook has the Wizard logo, with "2001" in upper right. Inside says "Second Edition, Nov 1978". A cardboard chit sheet is attached to the rulebook, featuring dice chits, a "how-to-use" description and a dice coupon, due to a dice shortage.

6th and 7th printings are complicated to identify but not especially valuable.

D&D Basic Set 8th through 11th print

Lowest price $50

Average price $200

Record price $1,200

This is the second design of the outer box. Prices are an average.

8th print box has no product number on the back bottom right; Copyright 1980 without "all rights reserved".

9th print box has copyright "1981" and has the phrase "all rights reserved".

10th print can only be identified by the contents. Rulebook index page is in blue ink.

11th box has product number on bottom right of back.

D&D Basic Set 12th to 18th Print

Lowest price $30

Average price $80

Record price $250

This is the third design of the outer box. Prices are an average.

There are many finicky differences between these printings. None are really so valuable as to be worth worrying about.

12th "1st" print of the third Basic box set can be identified with these details: 

"Basic Rules Set 1". Angled TSR logo on back "TSR Hobbies, Inc.", and product number is in lower right.

Other Dungeons and Dragons Sets Appear on a
Separate D&D Sets Price Guide!

Click to see part two of the D&D Sets Price GuideClick to see part two of the D&D Sets Price Guide

There are so many sets that we broke them up into a different page. Click here to see the other D&D sets worth money today.

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