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Most Valuable DC Horror Comics

Most Expensive DC Horror Comics Price Guide

DC Comics have published many old horror comics series over the years, from the 1950s to 1980s and beyond.

DC horror comics have come into and out of fashion over the yearsDC horror comics have come into and out of fashion over the years

We've rounded up many of the key issues, including lots of comic books you definitely will have heard of, and many that you probably won't recognize.

DC has dabbled in this market non-stop, one foot in, one foot out.

Marvel and DC follow fashions. For a while, 70s horror comics were all the rage.

Then they stopped selling, so the big two stopped producing most of them.

Fortunately for horror fans, the niche has never really died. You might find yourself looking through an old collection and come across a stack of horror comics.

How to make sense of them?

Comics and Collectibles Near ME is happy to appraise horror comics collections free of charge. We also buy comics and other collectibles.

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10 Most Valuable DC Horror Comics

These are all-time record sales for books in exceptional condition from the Bronze Age of comics.

If you find these horror comics, then chances are they won't be mint. We publish an average price to help you figure out how valuable your comics are, and a minimum in case they are really thrashed.

House of Secrets #92
1st Swamp Thing

Lowest price $200

Average price $2,000

Record price $90,000

An absolute classic by Bernie Wrightson, Swamp Thing's debut features an outstanding cover which is one of the most iconic of the Bronze Age.

Weird War Tales #1

Lowest price $15

Average price $250

Record price $10,200

An unusual crossover concept, blending war comics with horror.

House of Mystery #174: New look, Mystery formatHouse of Mystery #174: New look, Mystery format. Click for values

House of Mystery #174
New look, Mystery format

Lowest price $50

Average price $250

Record price $7,500

This book was a relaunch issue. It established the new look for House of Mystery moving forward.

The classic beckoning cover by George Roussos is instantly recognizable.

Demon #1
Jack Kirby art

Lowest price $35

Average price $150

Record price $4,250

Jack Kirby brings his work to DC horror comics with this dark, cartoonish cover.

Phantom Stranger #10
1st Tannarak

Lowest price $10

Average price $75

Record price $4,000

Tannarak is apparently a master alchemist. Cover art by Neal Adams.

Swamp Thing #1
Bernie Wrightson art

Lowest price $50

Average price $150

Recent 9.8 Sale $4,000

Record price $7,000

The first in the standalone series following Swamp Thing's successful introduction in House of Secrets #92 (see above).

House of Secrets #123
Classic cover by Frank Robbins

Lowest price $30

Average price $140

Record price $2,000

A dripping ice-cream cone with a hideous face: this is somewhat reminiscent of the 50s horror comics banned by the Comics Code Authority rules.

Ghosts #1
First in DC horror comics series

Lowest price $10

Average price $100

Record price $1,325

DC dabbled with horror comic books during the 1970s. Ghosts is one of the most successful, running all the way to the 1980s.

Sinister House of Secret Love #1: Classic grey tone coverSinister House of Secret Love #1: grey tone cover. Click for values

Sinister House of Secret Love #1
Classic grey tone cover

Lowest price $20

Average price $120

Record price $1,200

DC Comics confused horror fans with two titles sharing almost identical names.

Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1
Grey tone cover; text story by Wes Craven

Lowest price $30

Average price $120

Record price $1,100

Wes Craven would go on to make some of the 80s' most memorable horror movies.

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Other DC Horror Comics, 1930s to 2000s

Weird Mystery Tales #1

Lowest price $10

Average price $100

Record price $1,000

A classic 70s horror comics series by DC Comics.

Witching Hour #28
Undead Santa cover by Nick Cardy

Lowest price $10

Average price $80

Record price $900

There's something undeniably creepy about Santa, even before he's depicted as a skeletal figure...

Doorway to Nightmare #1
1st Madame Xanadu

Lowest price $15

Average price $100

Record price $675

Madame Xanadu was a popular character in DC horror comics of the 1970s and 1980s.

Black Magic #1 (1973)
Cool 70s DC horror

Lowest price $5

Average price $60

Record price $375

Another 70s DC horror comics series with great art and a limited amount of graphic horror available for its readers.

Looking ahead to what was published in the 80s, it's hard not to feel disappointed for another lost decade of horror.

The Boys #1
Incredibly graphic series parodying famous heroes and villains

Lowest price $5

Average price $120

Recent 9.8 Sale $330

Record price $700

The hilarious and gruesome TV series on Amazon Prime is based on this parody comic book series by DC/Wildstorm.

From Beyond the Unknown #24
Long-running horror series

Lowest price $5

Average price $20

Record price $70

Cool 1970s DC horror comics series which reflects the problems of the Comics Code Authority. You can only be SO horrific...

G. I. Combat #87
1st Haunted Tank

Lowest price $200

Average price $500

Record price $3,900

A cool crossover between horror and war which, like Weird War Tales, takes WWII in a whole creepy new direction.

Hellblazer #1 (1988)
1st solo John Constantine comic

Lowest price $1

Average price $50

Recent 9.8 Sale $200

Record price $600

John Constantine, aka Hellblazer, has a future in the expanded DCU. This book has fallen from pandemic highs.

Movie Comics #6 (1939)
The Phantom Creeps

Lowest price $150

Average price $1,000

Record price $2,280

One of the earliest DC horror comics, based on a movie from the golden age.

Phantom Stranger #1 (1952)
Early DC horror comics series

Lowest price $200

Average price $2,000

Record price $24,000

A very creepy 1950s horror cover. The series ran for six issues, and the others never quite reach the heights of #1. Scarce in the marketplace.

Preacher #1
Adapted into a TV series

Lowest price $5

Average price $50

Recent 9.8 Sale $250

Record price $1,340

The heyday of this book has come and gone, with the TV series running to a successful conclusion. It's a cool DC horror comics series if you're looking for something to read.

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Sensation Comics #108
New direction for title into horror themes

Lowest price $80

Average price $500

Record price $2,200

Before it became official with a title change to Sensation Mystery, Wonder Woman's appearances became less front and center, replaced by aliens, ghosts and monsters.

Issue #103 was Wonder Woman vs robots, and it got weirder and weirder from there.

Sensation Mystery #112
Horror-themed spin-off from Sensation Comics

Lowest price $30

Average price $120

Record price $450

At the end of the run, Sensation Comics fought against dwindling sales of Wonder Woman comic books by becoming a horror/suspense title.

This spin-off series only lasted for seven issues before being cancelled.

Sandman #1 (1989)
Neil Gaiman scripts

Lowest price $5

Average price $100

Recent 9.8 Sale $440

Record price $1,800

There are several key issues from this series, notably #4 (1st Lucifer Morningstar) and #8 (1st Death).

Strange Adventures #1 (1950)
1st in long-running series

Lowest price $150

Average price $800

Record price $7,800

Strange Adventures never dabbled with the truly edgy themes of horror comic covers of the 1950s which ultimately led to the Comics Code Authority. It was always a little softer.

Strange Adventures #205
1st Deadman

Lowest price $75

Average price $500

Record price $4,100

Deadman is the most notable creation of this series in the 1960s. He has a future in the expanded DCU.

Long overdue a price bump.

Strange Sports Stories #1
Tie-in between sports and horror

Lowest price $5

Average price $40

Record price $210

A truly bizarre series which only lasted six issues. Probably should never have got off the drawing board...

Swamp Thing #37
1st Hellblazer (John Constantine)

Lowest price $40

Average price $280

Recent 9.8 Sale $1,300

Record price $3,700

Hellblazer has a big future in the expansion of the DCU.

This key issue was blown up during the pandemic. Recent sales are 40 percent of that high point.

Tales of Ghost Castle #1

Lowest price $5

Average price $40

Record price $265

Just three issues in this DC horror series.

Tales of the Unexpected #14
Green gorilla cover

Lowest price $5

Average price $50

Record price $960

Launched in 1956, after the Comics Code Authority had spoiled the party for horror comics for decades.

A green gorilla cover story is about what you would expect from horror and suspense titles from this era.

Weird Worlds #1
Another DC horror comics series from the 1970s

Lowest price $5

Average price $40

Record price $600

A mere ten issues into the run, this series was cancelled. DC didn't seem to know what to do with their horror series in the 70s. They threw a lot of mud against the wall, and not much of it stuck.

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