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Top 30 DC Silver Age Comics by Value

Top 30 Most Valuable DC Silver Age Comics

If you've found a stack of old comic books, then how do you determine what you have?

DC Silver Age Comics can be valuableDC Silver Age Comics can be valuable

Many superhero comics were cancelled in the early 1950s, as horror comics, crime, suspense and sci-fi became the best sellers.

The introduction of the Comics Code Authority killed the market for gory crime and sexy "good girl" covers.

Publishers saw falling sales, as the fans of horror and suspense turned their backs on the new softer content.

Something had to change, and the answer for DC Comics was the return of superheroes.

Showcase #4 in 1956 is credited with the start of Silver Age DC Comics, with the reboot of Flash as Barry Allen.

DC had hit a home run. They rapidly pushed out more heroes, including a reboot of Green Lantern, and the creation of brand new teams like Suicide Squad and the Justice League of America.

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Overview of DC Silver Age Comics

Here are the most important heroes and villains introduced by DC Comics during the 1960s.

Where the characters previously existed, the list below refers to the Silver Age version.

Top 30 DC Silver Age Comics by Value

Showcase #4
1st Barry Allen as Flash; the book which launched the Silver Age of Comics

Lowest price $3,500

Average price $30,000

Record price $900,000

The huge importance of this issue cannot be overstated. Superheroes were in the doldrums since the late 1940s.

Showcase #4 relaunched not only Flash comic books, but also all superhero books, leading to the explosion led by Fantastic Four and the Marvel Age of Comics.

Brave and the Bold #28
1st appearance of the Justice League of America

Lowest price $1,000

Average price $6,000

Record price $810,000

The first appearance of the JLA includes Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman.

It's the first super-team of the Silver Age, and a book which sometimes gets mixed in with a run of JLA comics, so worth checking issues #28-30 if you have a stack.

Justice League of America #1
First solo super-team

Lowest price $300

Average price $2,000

Record price $348,000

Not the first JLA appearance (Brave and the Bold #28-30 features those), but a classic and much-collected comic featuring Batman, Martian Manhunter, and many other DC heroes.

Detective Comics #225
First Martian Manhunter

Lowest price $1,000

Average price $6,000

Record price $138,000

Who is the Martian Manhunter? J'onn J'onzz is the Martian Manhunter, aka Manhunter from Mars. A classic key issue that is very tough to find.

Detective Comics #359
1st Barbara Gordon as Batgirl

Lowest price $150

Average price $2,500

Record price $132,000

Another classic attempt to bring in female love interests, around the same time as Poison Ivy was getting her hooks into Batman...

Showcase #22
1st Silver Age Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)

Lowest price $1,200

Average price $5,000

Record price $105,000

The Silver Age reboot of Green Lantern comics began with Showcase #22 in 1959. Hal Jordan took up the ring of power, and went on to become a mainstay of the Silver Age.

Batman #181
First Poison Ivy

Lowest price $100

Average price $1,100

Record price $96,000

Poison Ivy is one of the sexiest and most popular Batman villains. This first appearance has the double jeopardy of having a bright red cover, and a poster in the center which is often missing.

If your copy is without the poster, then it's worth about a third to a half of a complete copy.

Batman #121
First Mr Zero/Mr Freeze

Lowest price $600

Average price $3,500

Record price $80,000

Mr Zero later was renamed Mr Freeze. This all-white cover is very tough to find unblemished.

Flash #105
1st Mirror Master
Origin of Flash retold

Lowest price $450

Average price $5,000

Record price $58,000

The relaunch of Flash comic books after his reboot in Showcase. Mirror Master became a major enemy of Barry Allen.

Green Lantern #1 (1960)
1st in Silver Age series

Lowest price $250

Average price $2,000

Record price $56,000

The famous cover image of a giant puppet attacking the Green Lantern is a worthy first Green Lantern comics solo issue of the Silver Age.

Action Comics #252
1st Supergirl

Lowest price $500

Average price $7,000

Record price $50,000

After several tryouts, including Superman #123, Supergirl finally made an official debut in this tough key issue. It's valuable in any condition.

Aquaman #1 (1962)
1st in new series

Lowest price $80

Average price $650

Record price $45,600

This is a classic cover, and the first #1 issue featuring the character.

Batman #171
First Silver Age Riddler

Lowest price $150

Average price $900

Record price $41,000

Riddler returns after a hiatus of several years, appearing in this book with a very tough to find in high grade all pink cover.

Flash #106
Origin and first appearance of Pied Piper and Grodd the Gorilla

Lowest price $100

Average price $2,000

Record price $39,600

Two origin stories make this issue collectible. The pink cover makes it tough to find in high grade.

Showcase #13
3rd Barry Allen as Flash

Lowest price $200

Average price $3,500

Record price $38,000

The third Silver Age Flash comic.

Showcase #8
2nd Barry Allen as Flash; 1st Captain Cold

Lowest price $500

Average price $3,500

Record price $36,000

Captain Cold appears for the first time in this issue. The run of Showcase Flash comic books is TOUGH.

Batman #189
1st Silver Age Scarecrow

Lowest price $80

Average price $600

Record price $36,000

The classic Batman horror comics villain, Scarecrow, is back in the Silver Age in this key issue.

Action Comics #242
1st Brainiac

Lowest price $400

Average price $5,000

Record price $34,000

Surely Brainiac is long overdue for an appearance in the soon to expand DCU?

This is one of the toughest Action Comics key issues, with a purple cover that shows a lot of wear.

Brave and the Bold #54
1st Teen Titans: Kid Flash, Robin, Aqualad

Lowest price $100

Average price $400

Record price $34,000

The Teen Titans have increased interest, now that the DCU is expanding after years in Marvel's shadow.

Expect their first appearances to increase in value over time.

Teen Titans #1
1st new solo series

Lowest price $30

Average price $250

Record price $31,000

The success of the Brave and the Bold appearances of the Teen Titans led DC to launch them as a solo series.

Detective Comics #298
1st Silver Age Clayface

Lowest price $150

Average price $1,200

Record price $30,000

The first Silver Age Clayface marks a turning point for Detective Comics key issues. From here onwards, there were less new characters and more reboots of old Golden Age villains.

A pretty horrific character.

Green Lantern #7
1st Sinestro

Lowest price $150

Average price $1,200

Record price $27,000

Sinestro is the first big Green Lantern comics villain of the Silver Age series. A very popular issue.

Surely overdue for an appearance in the DCU...

Adventure Comics #260
1st Silver Age origin of Aquaman

Lowest price $40

Average price $240

Record price $26,400

A very popular issue that retells the origin story of Aquaman in the Silver Age. Not to be confused with Showcase #30, which is the specific origin of the Silver Age Aquaman.

Aquaman #11
1st Mera

Lowest price $75

Average price $300

Record price $26,400

Mera, Aquaman's love interest, has appeared in more than one movie.

Detective Comics #233
1st Batwoman

Lowest price $700

Average price $4,000

Record price $26,000

After rumors that Batman and Robin were gay, DC Comics created a love interest for Bruce Wayne and Batman in Batwoman.

Brave and the Bold #25: 1st Suicide Squad. Click to have yours appraisedBrave and the Bold #25: 1st Suicide Squad. Click to have yours appraised

Brave and the Bold #25
1st Suicide Squad

Lowest price $200

Average price $700

Record price $25,000

Three issues before the introduction of Justice League of America, the long-running title Brave and the Bold created the Suicide Squad.

The original team bears little resemblance to the characters who starred in the movie. This is an incredibly tough book and nowhere near worth as much as it ought to be.

Flash #123
Golden Age Flash reappears

Lowest price $300

Average price $1,500

Record price $23,000

The Golden Age Flash returns and meets the Silver Age Flash. A classic cover and very sought-after comic book.

Showcase #30
Origin of Silver Age Aquaman

Lowest price $100

Average price $500

Record price $20,400

Adventure Comics #247
1st Legion of Super-Heroes

Lowest price $400

Average price $4,000

Record price $19,200

The Legion of Super-Heroes was a super-team of youngsters, led by Superboy.

A very tough Silver Age DC Comics key that is vastly under-valued.

Flash #110
1st Kid Flash and Weather Wizard

Lowest price $200

Average price $1,000

Record price $18,000

Kid Flash goes on to become one of the most important teen characters. He will be a big part of the MCU.

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Superman #199
1st Superman vs Flash race

Lowest price $80

Average price $500

Record price $14,000

If you ever wondered who is the fastest man alive, then Superman vs Flash will decide it. Only it didn't really -- there were more races to come...

Batman #155
First Silver Age Penguin

Lowest price $40

Average price $1,300

Record price $13,200

The return of the Penguin in the Silver Age has become a very popular issue with fans of Batman comic books.

Flash #113
1st Trickster

Lowest price $75

Average price $500

Record price $13,000

DC Comics created a bunch of hokey villains. Trickster is a classic of the Silver Age breed.

Showcase #9
1st Silver Age Lois Lane

Lowest price $200

Average price $1,500

Record price $12,000

A surprisingly tough and valuable (just not valuable enough in our opinion) comic book that doesn't change hands very often in grades above FN.

Superman #147
1st Legion of Super-Villains

Lowest price $50

Average price $500

Record price $11,000

A cover swipe from Adventure Comics #247 (first Legion of Super-Heroes), only the villain version.

Showcase #14
4th Barry Allen as Flash

Lowest price $100

Average price $1,500

Record price $10,800

The fourth and final Showcase Flash appearance, before Flash #105 launched his solo series.

Green Lantern #59
1st Guy Gardner

Lowest price $50

Average price $600

Record price $10,200

Guy Gardner goes on to become a really big deal in Green Lantern comics.

Wonder Woman #98
1st Silver Age Wonder Woman; new origin story begins

Lowest price $200

Average price $1,000

Record price $10,000

A classic Diana vs Diana cover makes this, the first of an all-new three-issue origin story a very popular issue with collectors.

A tough book in high grade which should be much more valuable.

Flash #139
1st Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom

Lowest price $90

Average price $750

Record price $8,400

Reverse Flash is a huge villain in the DCU, and this first appearance is very collectible.

Green Lantern #16
1st Star Sapphire

Lowest price $100

Average price $700

Record price $8,000

Star Sapphire is another rebooted character from the Golden Age Green Lantern comics.

Wonder Woman #105
1st Wonder Girl; origin finale

Lowest price $100

Average price $550

Record price $7,500

A tough book in high grade. A classic giant space bird cover.

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