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Superman Characters and Villains Comic Prices

Value of 1st Appearance Superman Characters and Villains

The first appearance of Superman villains in comics have always been valuable and strongly collected.

Lex Luthor is a classic Superman villainLex Luthor is a classic Superman villain

Supporting characters have also been sought-after.

Even if there are big key issues to look for, many Superman comic books aren't worth much.

Especially if condition isn't great.

If you're wondering what these comic books are worth, then this article will help.

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1st Appearance of Superman Characters and Villains

Superman Villains

  • Bizarro
  • Black Flame
  • Brainiac
  • Darkseid
  • Doomsday
  • Faora Hu-Ul
  • General Zod
  • Human Target
  • Legion of Super-Villains
  • Lex Luthor
  • Livewire
  • Metallo
  • Mr. Mxyztplk
  • Parasite
  • Prankster
  • Titano
  • Toyman
  • Vixen

Superman Characters

  • Checkmate
  • Jimmy Olsen
  • Krypto the Superdog
  • Lana Lang
  • Lois Lane
  • Legion of Super-Heroes
  • Mon-El (Lar Gand)
  • Streaky the Super-Cat
  • Superbaby
  • Superboy
  • Supergirl
  • Supermonkey
  • Superhorse
  • Superwoman

1) First Appearance of Superman Villains

Superboy #68
1st Bizarro

Lowest price $250

Average price $1,500

Record price $31,000

Bizarro would go on to infect every part of the Superman universe, with Bizarro versions of Superman characters and villains appearing over the years.

Long overdue for a DCU appearance, which surely would see values increase.

Action Comics #304
1st Black Flame

Lowest price $10

Average price $150

Record price $660

Black Flame is one of the minor villains with not much of a footprint in the DCU, and not many prospects of future development.

Action Comics #242
1st Brainiac

Lowest price $400

Average price $5,000

Record price $34,000

Surely Brainiac is long overdue for an appearance in the soon to expand DCU?

This is one of the toughest Action Comics key issues, with a purple cover that shows a lot of wear.

Jimmy Olsen #134
1st Darkseid

Lowest price $30

Average price $350

Record price $16,200

Darkseid is high on the list of DC Comics villains due to make a big splash in the expanded DCU.

One of the New Gods, Darkseid shoots omega beams from his eyes.

Man of Steel #17
1st Doomsday

Lowest price $1

Average price $30

Record price $100

Doomsday is infamous for killing Superman in Superman v2 #75.

The scarce newsstand edition sells for $375-400.

The second printing is worth about double.

Action Comics #471
1st Faora Hu-Ul

Lowest price $1

Average price $20

Record price $275

General Zod's love interest, Faora, is an on-again off-again villain in the Superman universe.

Adventure Comics #283
1st General Zod and Phantom Zone

Lowest price $80

Average price $750

Record price $9,600

The first Phantom Zone appearance, including General Zod and Dr. Xadu.

Action Comics #419
1st Human Target

Lowest price $5

Average price $80

Record price $820

Another minor Superman villain. The great cover by Neal Adams features the Man of Steel against a photo background.

Superman #147
1st Legion of Super-Villains

Lowest price $50

Average price $500

Record price $11,000

A cover swipe from Adventure Comics #247 (first Legion of Super-Heroes), only the villain version.

Action Comics #23
First Lex Luthor

Lowest price $4,000

Average price $25,000

Record price $72,000

Lex Luthor had red hair in his first appearance. A surprisingly tough comic that is seldom offered for sale anywhere.

Action Comics #835
1st Livewire in continuity

Lowest price $1

Average price $20

Record price $100

For a while, people were predicting that Livewire would be the next Harley Quinn. That fuss died down pretty quickly, and this book has cooled significantly. It's still decently valuable for the era.

Superboy #49
1st Metallo

Lowest price $30

Average price $120

Record price $930

Jor-El's robot Metallo fought Superboy, but other versions of the character included John Corben's in Action #252.

Superman #30
1st Mr. Mxyztplk; Superman flies for the first time

Lowest price $250

Average price $1,500

Record price $17,000

Mr. Mxyztplk is one of the Superman villains who nobody can name. He had staying power, being published in many Superman comic books over the years.

Action Comics #340
1st Parasite

Lowest price $50

Average price $300

Record price $3,000

Parasite is a popular villain who is surely going to be making a big screen appearance soon.

Shares the factor of Batman #181, in that the centerfold is a pin-up poster of Superman and is often missing.

Action Comics #51
1st Prankster

Lowest price $200

Average price $1,000

Record price $32,400

Prankster was Oswald Loomis. He committed crimes using publicity stunts and pranks to attract attention.

The character has been rebooted several times.

Superman #127
1st Titano

Lowest price $20

Average price $200

Record price $500

The popularity of King Kong led DC to bring a similar villain into Superman comic books.

Action Comics #64
1st Toyman

Lowest price $300

Average price $2,000

Record price $31,000

It's hard to imagine the conversations around character creation at DC Comics back in the day. Toyman?!

When you compare apples to apples, DC's villains are hokey compared to Marvel's.

Action Comics #521
1st Vixen

Lowest price $5

Average price $60

Record price $570

Vixen is one of the random Action Comics key issues in a sea of average run books, years after Action Comics #419 and several years before #598 (see below).

The series went through the doldrums during the 1980s, reflecting how little interest there was in Superman's titles.

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2) First Appearance of Superman Characters

Action Comics #598
1st Checkmate

Lowest price $1

Average price $20

Record price $100

Checkmate was a secret team of agents. I could see this becoming part of the DCU in future years.

Action Comics #6
First appearance of Jimmy Olsen

Lowest price $2,000

Average price $9,000

Record price $40,000

Jimmy Olsen would go on to become Superman's pal and star in his own series.

Adventure Comics #210
1st Kryto the Superdog

Lowest price $450

Average price $6,000

Record price $17,000

DC created Krypto to give some sidekick action to Superboy. Mildly more satisfying than Streaky the Super-Cat (see below).

Superboy #10
1st Lana Lang

Lowest price $100

Average price $750

Record price $7,100

Starting off as a teenage love interest for Superboy, Lana goes on to become a love rival to Lois Lane.

Action Comics #1
1st Lois Lane

Lowest price $400,000

Average price $1,000,000

Record price $6,000,000

Obviously, the first appearance of Superman is more critical than Lois, and if you have any doubts about the importance of her as a love interest then it should end here. A huge issue!

Adventure Comics #247
1st Legion of Super-Heroes

Lowest price $400

Average price $4,000

Record price $19,200

The Legion of Super-Heroes was a super-team of youngsters, led by Superboy.

A very tough Silver Age DC Comics key that is vastly under-valued.

Superboy #89
1st Mon-El

Lowest price $50

Average price $300

Record price $2,400

Mon-El, aka Lar Gand or Halk Kar, is Superboy's brother.

He was immune to Kryptonite, but suffered lead poisoning and was sent to the Phantom Zone to stay alive.

Action Comics #261
1st Streaky the Super-Cat and X-Kryptonite

Lowest price $10

Average price $80

Record price $500

Just to prove that Action Comics key issues aren't always big-money items, this minor key issue is relatively affordable in higher grades.

Streaky the Super-Cat is highly unlikely to be a future star, but it's a fun first appearance.

Superboy #8
1st Superbaby

Lowest price $50

Average price $800

Record price $7,800

Superboy, Supergirl... Why not Superbaby?!

More Fun Comics #101
1st Superboy

Lowest price $675

Average price $5,000

Record price $55,000

Superboy, aka the adventures of Superman as a boy, filled in the backstory of Clark Kent after he crash-landed on Earth and was raised by Ma and Pa Kent in Smallville.

Action Comics #252
1st Supergirl

Lowest price $500

Average price $7,000

Record price $50,000

After several tryouts, including Superman #123, Supergirl finally made an official debut in this tough key issue. It's valuable in any condition.

Superboy #76
1st Supermonkey

Lowest price $20

Average price $150

Record price $1,800

Another classic DC invention... Supermonkey. Must have been a slow day.

Adventure Comics #293
1st Superhorse

Lowest price $10

Average price $120

Record price $1,640

Comet the Superhorse was an attempt to make comic books appeal to girls.

Action Comics #60
1st Lois Lane as Superwoman

Lowest price $450

Average price $2,500

Record price $17,000

Over the years, there were multiple tryouts of Superwoman and Supergirl. This was the first of them.

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